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Open Space Commission Minutes 11/08/2013

Friday November 8, 2013

  • Call to Order/Welcome:
Chairperson Diana Atwood Johnson called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m.

Members Attending:  Diana Atwood Johnson, George James, Ted Kiritsis, Evan Griswold, William Dunbar, Peter Cable.

Absent/Excused: Amanda Blair (member), Bruce Baratz (alternate).

Guests:  Bonnie Reemsnyder, First Selectman and Susan King, Acting Secretary

  • Voting Alternates:  Kurt Zemba (for Amanda Blair in her absence)
  • Stewardship
Preliminary and introductory remarks by Chairperson regarding the topic of Commission’s lack of administrator and on-site steward.  George James submitted a proposed job description for steward to Chairperson, and opened the topic to the group.

First Selectman raised the topics of Workers Compensation and OSHA concerns.

Kurt Zemba proposed a model in which the Town hired subcontractors who would bear the liability and responsibility for labor relations, OSHA compliance, employee benefits etc. where the Town would be indemnified.  He suggested that a person, to be paid on an annual stipend basis, be hired/appointed to oversee the subcontractor relationship.

The Commissioners and First Selectman further discussed the scope of work the steward/warden/consulting forester might undertake; and who (public maintenance workers or private subcontractors or some combination thereof) might be responsible for executing the actual work.  

The question of where liability lies in the event of injury to a volunteer worker was also discussed.  Kurt Zemba emphasized the importance of clear definition of scope of work and responsibility for volunteers and/or steward/warden  – injury incurred within the defined scope falls within the responsibility of the Town; injury incurred while engaged in activities outside the scope would not be Town’s liability.  Key is to make clear those definitions.

The issues of how the position(s) would be funded, and budgeted for were generally discussed.  First Selectman emphasized the need for the Commission to “make a clear case” when this comes up on the Agenda with the Board of Finance, including the potential liability for the Town and how that will be addressed.

  • Approval of the Minutes of July, September, and October 2013
Ted Kiritsis moved to approve the minutes.  Motion was seconded by William Dunbar.  Discussion was had regarding a quorum and voting alternates.  The questions were settled and the motion was carried.

  • New Business  - none
  • Old Business:
Roger Tory Peterson, Southwick property
Status update was provided by Chairperson Johnson regarding the sale of the house and property.  The matters are ongoing with several contingencies involved. Chairperson has invited interested parties to come speak to the Commission in the event they are looking to the Commission for involvement or contribution.

Kus Property
Chairperson and First Selectman reported that the Town met with the Kus’s representative, Art Bogen.  Kus appraisal is $970,000 ($7,500/acre) and the Commission’s appraisal is $770,000 ($6,000/acre).  It was noted that price is only one of many considerations, however, we are far closer than previously.

Peter Cable reported that he had made contact regarding proposed seminars to be provided in conjunction with the land trust.  Chairperson Johnson clarified that seminars would be scheduled in January or February.  Peter noted that CLCC is sponsoring an all-day convention with speakers addressing financial value of land conservation in March.

Signage Project – Ames Trail Mapping
George James moved that five (5) signs @ $75.00 each be established.  Motion was seconded by Evan Griswold.  No further discussion was had and the motion was carried.

  • Adjournment: Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 10:25 a.m.

Susan King, Secretary